The Décors Index is the core of It contains more than 3600 photographs and over 400 different Loetz décors. Below is a structural guide for using the Décors Index. In the "How to Use this Site" section you will also find a glossary of the abreviations and terms used and a list of Loetz colors, and later we will post a décors list by date.

1.Visual Search – Select “Decors Index A-Z” (“Home” left side), scroll through décor thumbnails listed alphabetically or if using a keyboard you can hit the space bar to advance down the screen.

a.Décor Information: Click on a décor thumbnail to view multiple examples, production numbers, décor description and the year the décor was first produced.

b.Décor Subcategories: If you see titles such as Bronze Rusticana, Crete Rusticana, Etching ink, Etched Silberiris, etc. below a decor thumbnail click on the thumbnail to see multiple examples.

c.Décor Thumbnails: Once a décor or décor subcategory is selected, click individual thumbnails to enlarge photos and view additional information about a specific piece (e.g. size, designer) which is provided at the bottom of each photo enlargement. Once a thumbnail has been enlarged, you can also scroll through all of the enlargements by clicking “next” at the top right-hand corner of the photo. Note: Click once to enlarge a thumbnail. Double clicking causes a blue shadow to appear. The time it takes to open a thumbnail is determined by the size of the image.

d.Sub, Subcategories: Occasionally additional thumbnails and/or information are presented about a specific piece within a subcategory (e.g Arcadia / Aetna).

2."Search Gallery": The “Search gallery” box located at the top right-hand corner of all of the Décors Index A-Z pages.  It is a powerful tool. (note: There is another "search" box at the very top of the page but more about how to use this tool below). Enter a specific search criterion (Décor, Date, Designer, PN, Color, etc.) to see the decors arranged by your search criteria!

a.Search by Date: Enter a date to see a list of decors that were first introduced on that date, click blue link to be taken to a specific décor.

b.Search by Décor, Designer, Color, etc. or categories such as year of production:  Searches for a décor, color, production number or year of produciton can be done by either entering the first few letters of the word/number or a complete spelling which will provide a narrower search result:  i.e.; "6893" (PG 6893) "Ti" (Titania) or “Aeolus, PG 6893, cobalt, Creta mit Behaengen”, etc. A search for examples created by specific designers (“Moser”, Kirschner, “Beckert”, etc.) can be accomplished using last names.

c. Search by Production Number (PN):  In 2019 the Loetz Advisory Group spent two years going through every example shown on and added PNs whenever possible. (Note: If the object can be matched to a specific shape found in the paper patterns but the decor shown on the site is not specificially referenced for that "production number", then an "st" is added in front of the PN to indicate that the object is "similar to" that PN. Here the meaning of "st" or "similar to" indicates that the vase is an exact match to the paper pattern BUT the decor is not mentioned in the production notes.)

3. "Search" Text in Articles:  To search for words or text contained in articles, enter your search criterion in the "Search" box located on the upper right of the Home page and articles pages.