Ausf 38 Titania - 1907

Opal with spreading brown, pansy, blue or leaf green; combed spiraling steel-gray waves. Decor identified by Deb Fitzsimmons

Ausf 38 Titania - 1907
PN II-5088

Ausf 38 Titania - 1907

Ausf 38 Titania

Ausf 38 Titania

Ausf 38 Titania
PN II-5078

Ausf 38 Titania

Ausf 38 Titania
Opal with spreading leaf green
11 inches
st PN II-5091

Ausf 38 Titania

Opal with spreading leaf green

11 inches

Ausf 38 Titania
Opal with spreading leaf green

Ausf 38 Titania

Opal with spreading leaf green

Ausf 38
PN II-8653

Ausf 38