PG 2/207 - 1902

Thea; Thea with crete email, Opal or crete ground; decorated with silver-yellow swirls (Occassionaly, patches of "Romeo" or crete email placed "innen" or on the underside)

Note: This decor is described on page 306, B132, of "Loetz Bohemian Glass 1881-1940", written and edited by Jan Mergl, Ernst Ploil, and Helmut Ricke for the Neue Galerie New York, and published by Hatje Cantz.  A reddish brown vase is shown as the thumbnail for this decor but this example does not match the colors mentioned for the decor production notes that have thus far been identified for PG 2/207.  This reddish brown vase is exhibited at the PGM.  A similar decor example is exhibited in a lampshade at the Museum Sumavy.  Since the decoration for both the reddish brown vase and the Sumavy shade seem quite similar, we have included a photo collage showing these two redish brown examples next to the documented decor shown in Thea with Crete enamel in PN II-1038 for comparsion.

PG 2/207 - 30.3cm
PN II-1038

PG 2/207 - 30.3cm

PG 2/207

PG 2/207

PG 2/207

PG 2/207

PG 2/207

PG 2/207

PG 2/207

PG 2/207

PG 2/207 Collage

PG 2/207 Collage

PG 2/207

PG 2/207

PG 2/207

PG 2/207

PG 2/207
Thea w crete email - 8 Eindr�cke
PN II-1038

PG 2/207

Thea w crete email - 8 Eindr�cke

PG 2/207
PN 668/II

PG 2/207