PG 2/351  (Argus) - 1902

Spreading chestnut ground, combed silver threads and silver-yellow ovals in upper half. Also known as Argus.

Note: With the exception of the different ground colors, PG 3/430 looks similar to Argus.

PG 2/351 - (Argus) Koloman Moser
st PN II-2/576/I

PG 2/351 - (Argus) Koloman Moser

PG 2/351

PG 2/351

PG 2/351

PG 2/351

PG 2/351 (aka Argus) 3.5" x 5"

PG 2/351 (aka Argus) 3.5" x 5"

PG 2/351

PG 2/351
