PG 7801 - 1899

Bronze ground with two or three rows of silver threads pulled up and down in a chevron pattern.

PG 7801 - 1899
PN I-7952 & PN I-7566

PG 7801 - 1899

PG 7801
PN I-7952

PG 7801

PG 7801
PN I-7566

PG 7801

PG 7801
PN I-7580

PG 7801

PG 7801
PN I-7953

PG 7801

PG 7801
21.5 cm
st PN I-7724

PG 7801

21.5 cm

PG 7801

PG 7801

PG 7801

PG 7801

PG 7801
PN I-7988

PG 7801

PG 7801
PN I-7953

PG 7801