DEK I/121 - 1900

Ground: ruby matte iridescence; painted with etching ink and burnishing gold

Note: Even with many examples of this decor, it could not be identified until we found one that was marked. We would appreciate receiving photos of any decorated pieces with markings so the decoration can be identified and posted on the site. 

DEK I/121 
18.8cm 7 1/2"
PN II-725

DEK I/121

18.8cm 7 1/2"

DEK I/121
PN II-733

DEK I/121

DEK I/121 - 27.5cm

DEK I/121 - 27.5cm

DEK I/121 - 1900
PN II-750

DEK I/121 - 1900

DEK I/121
PN II-746

DEK I/121

DEK I/121
PN II-755

DEK I/121

DEK I/121
Gold DEK Mark

DEK I/121

Gold DEK Mark

DEK I/121
PN II-763

DEK I/121

DEK I/121
PN II-755

DEK I/121

DEK I/121

DEK I/121

DEK I/121

DEK I/121

DEK I/121

DEK I/121

DEK I/121
18.8cm 7.5in
PN II-725

DEK I/121

18.8cm 7.5in