• Ausf - Abbreviation for the German word “Ausfuehrung” which means “execution”. In many cases the Ausf number is the only décor name known. The Ausf number may also represent a common décor name. Example: Ausf 111 is also known as Argentan.
  • Color Variants - In many cases a “variant” subcategory has been placed within a décor to illustrate instances where ground color(s) differ from the documented ground color(s) for that décor. If we have documented evidence that additional ground colors were produced for a specific décor not previously noted, we have added this information to the décor description. Where empirical data suggests that additional ground colors were produced but we have no documented evidence, these examples have been placed in a “color variant” subcategory.
  • Décor Variants - Some décors are commonly referred to by their undocumented names, i.e.; New Diaspora, New Cytisus, New Chine, etc. while other unknown décors are associated as variants of documented decors(see PG 1/844 variant) All of these examples are technically considered “Unknown Décors”. In a few cases, we have placed “variant” subcategories within a specific décor that has been associated with these examples rather than placing them in the “Unknown Décors” category.
  • DEK - stands for “decoration” and is an abbreviation for the German word “Dekoration”. A specific DEK number was assigned to each pattern applied to the glass. Decorations were applied using various methods such as acid etching, etching ink, and enamel or painted in gold relief. Often the DEK number can be found on the bottom of the glass marked in gold, e.g.; IV/3, or I/467. This site uses the term 'décor' to cover all of the different Loetz designs, and the term DEK to describe the DEK series.
  • Gre - Abbreviation for “genre” which is defined as a category of artistic composition characterized by similarities in form or style. e.g. Titania Gre.2534
  • PG - Abbreviation for Phaenomen Genre. The Phaenomen décors were first introduced by Loetz in 1898. The PG décors were the most expensive and beautiful of all Loetz décors.
  • PGM - Passau Glass Museum, Passau, Germany. This unique museum houses the world’s largest collection of Bohemian glass with over 30,000 pieces providing a comprehensive overview of the different eras of Bohemian glass art production from1700-1950. Museum founder George Hoeltl kindly granted Loetz.com the right to take and use photos of the pieces located in the museum for publication on this site. All of the photos taken at the PGM and used on this site have been watermarked “PGM”.
  • PN - An abbreviation for "production number". Each time a certain shape was used to produce a particular decor(s) it was given a specific “production number”. A shape may be the same but assigned a different production number to indicate the different decors that were produced in that shape at that time. For accuracy “st” is added in front of any “PN” shown on the site to indicate that the shape is similar to a particular PN but the decor shown is not specifically mentioned in the list of decors produced for that shape.
  • st PN - An abbreviation for "Similar to Production Number".  The shape is similar to the PN but the decor is not listed or the size varies.
  • Series I, II, III - In 1984 Duňa Panenková and Jan Mergl began the arduous task of organizing the Loetz archives. They employed a numbering sequence designated as Series I, II & III to place the paper patterns by date. Pieces produced in Series I were manufactured prior to 1900, Series II from 1900 till 1914 and Series III from 1913 till 1939.
  • 85/, 346/, 1090/ - Loetz did not produce glass and directly market it for sale themselves. Their production was based on pre-sold orders commissioned by well known, high end retailers and distriubtors such as E. Bakalowits, Vienna, Max Emanuel & Co., London, etc. These commissioned ordered were issued special series numbers to denote the customer. The numbers before the slash denote the customer and the numbers after the slash are the production numbers assigned to the piece produced. (e.g. the '85' series for E. Bakalowits, Vienna; "346" series for Max Emanuel & Co., London; the '1090' series for Marie Kirschner, etc.).  
  • Spellings – English translations and spellings are used for décor names except where the décor is only known by its German name; e.g. “Creta mit Behaengen”. For German words containing the vowels ä, ö or ü, the umlaut symbol is removed and an “e” is added after the vowel (e.g. Behängen becomes Behaengen, Lötz becomes Loetz, and Ausführung becomes Ausfuehrung).