Pavilion of Glass, Klatovy, Czech Republic



In August, 2014, a wonderful new museum dedicated to Loetz glass opened in Klatovy, Czech Republic. In Czech it is called PAvilon SKlo, shortened to PASK. It is a modern, purpose-built building and contains more than 700 items comprising primarily the glass collection of one of Europe's leading Loetz collectors. The emphasis is on the art nouveau period, with many Phaenomen pieces. Alongside its permanent collection of Loetz glass, the museum often holds temporary exhibitions of glass from other manufacturers. The museum website (link above) provides a comprehensive overview in English and lots of photos of the items exhibited, so here we'll just add a few interesting photos taken at the official opening on August 15, 2014.

Jitka Llênicková, the curator of the exhibition

Mr. and Mrs. von Spaun, today's representatives of the family that owned Loetz 


And finally, the town of Klatovy is well worth a visit in its own right. Here is a view of the town square: