This site would not have been possible without the invaluable contributions made by the dedicated Loetz historians and preservationists who came before us, as well as the continuing support and encouragement that we have received from our friends and colleagues, other Loetz collectors and the owners and staff of several museums.
First and foremost, the Décors Index owes its very existence to the pioneering work by Jan Mergl and Duňa Panenková in creating the décor catalogue in ‘Loetz Bohemian Glass 1880-1940’*. Most of our décor descriptions are based on that catalogue.
Jitka Lněničková’s recent book on the Loetz Series II paper patterns** is an immense achievement. We thank her for this indispensable resource, and for the expert knowledge she shared with us during a recent visit to the glass museums of the Czech Republic. This wonderful book was financially supported by that celebrated collector of Loetz glass, Christian Clausen. He accompanied us gathering glass shards along the riverbank adjacent to the former site of the Loetz factory in Klášterský Mlýn, a truly unforgettable experience for a Loetz enthusiast!
Beyond resource materials, we began with a photo library of over 18,000 photos that had been gathered from various sources over a 10 year period.  Many friends and fellow Loetz collectors have also kindly shared their photos with us including one contributor who provided over 18,000 photos effectively doubling our library to over 36,000 photos. Currently, approximately 10% of our photo library is included in the 'Décors Index A-Z'. 

We would like to pay special recognition to the following:
1.    The Glass Museum Passau has been a source of constant inspiration to us, and our gratitude goes to its founder and owner, Georg Hoeltl, for creating such a wonderful resource for lovers of Bohemian glass, and for his permission to use photographs of his collection on our site. His son, Peter, is now carrying on his father's legacy to preserve the history of this glass for generations to come! 
2.    Kai Hasselbach, a friend and colleague who has also been collecting photo examples of Loetz for over a decade, shared his extensive Loetz library of over 18,000 photos! The variety of photographic examples now in our library has helped identify many new decors.   Kai has also been a tremendous source of information and collaboration on décor assignments.
3.    The many friends and fellow Loetz collectors who have graciously provided their photos and counsel.  We hope you enjoy seeing your pieces prominently displayed and we look forward to your continued support and development of this site.

*Ricke, Vlček, Adlerová and Ploil, Lötz Böhmisches Glas 1880-1940, Band 1, (Prestel-Verlag, 1989)
Mergl, Ploil and Ricke, Loetz Bohemian Glass 1880-1940, (Hatje Cantz and Neue Galerie, New York, 2003)
 **Lněničková, Loetz/Series II, Paper Patterns for Glass from 1900 to 1914, (Muzeum Sumavy, Suŝice,2011)