The Advisory Group consists of six active members and one "non-active" co-founder of Three of the members reside in

the USA and four in Europe. The purpose of the group is to enhance the understanding of Loetz art glass through the

research and discussion of information found in the Loetz archives, museums and other documented resources and comparing that

information to known examples of Loetz. The goal of the Loetz Advisory Group is to ensure that the most accurate and

up-to-date information about Loetz is available on In addition to being seasoned Loetz collectors and researchers,

each member contributes a unique area of expertise.

European Members


United States Members

Tony Ellery – Switzerland   Deb Petersen Fitzsimmons - Midwest, USA
 Non-active, Co-Founder of   Co-Founder of
In 2012, Tony and Deb Fitzsimmons became the co-founders of the "new" In 2024, Tony announced that with all of his other activities, it was no longer possible to serve as an active member of the Loetz Advisory Group. The web site would not have been possible without Tony's wisdom, passion for Loetz art glass, organizing skills and his nephew, Philipp Funk, a website developer extraordinaire! Thank you, Tony, for helping to create a wonderful resource for the world to access and to learn about Loetz. 

Deb and her husband, Bill, are

avid glass collectors and have

especially enjoyed studying and

collecting examples of each of

the Loetz decors. Deb has a

passion for studying the various

colors and shapes that Loetz

produced and documenting

new decors by connecting

photographic examples to

those found in published

resources of the Loetz


Kai Hasselbach - Germany   Warren Gallé - East coast, USA
Kai speaks fluent German and English and is a retired Chemist who specialized in the pharmaceutical industry.  He has been collecting Art Nouveau art glass for over 20 years.  Kai is not only extremely knowledgeable about Loetz but has also been a major contributor to We are most indebted to Kai for sharing his extensive photo archive library consisting of 18,000 Loetz photo examples!  

Warren has been collecting

Loetz for over a decade. 

Warren is passionate about

collecting and researching

Loetz and other Bohemian art

glass. Warren says he will

always consider himself a

student and enjoys learning

all he can about the history

and production of these

objects of art in glass.

Andy Jelcic - Zagreb, Croatia & Vienna, Austria   John Fitzgerald, Midwest, USA
Andy is a translator by profession as well as an author and employed in cultural management.  He speaks 5 different languages fluently. Andy has a keen understanding of the Secessionist movement having written his MA thesis on this subject featuring Vienna, Munich and Berlin.  He is a collector of Loetz and other Bohemian art glass.  

John FitzgeraldJohn is an entrepreneur who has

lived and worked throughout the

US and Europe.  He has been

a dedicated Bohemian art glass

collector for nearly 3 decades

and has spent the last 7 years

focused specifically on Loetz.

John makes frequent trips to

 Europe to further his knowledge

 of glass and enjoys spending

time documenting and archiving his extensive glass

collection on his own website. John also reads

and speaks German. 

 Reiner Linnenbach - Germany


Reiner Linnenbach 2021 clr SmallReiner is a chef and educator by profession. He is also a freelance artist. For the past 40 years he has been collecting glass from various European and German manufacturers such as Moser Karlsbad, Lalique, glass from various Bohemian and Bavarian glass houses, Rigot glass from Villeroy & Boch, WMF-Myra and -Ikora glass. For several years now, Reiner has specialized in Lötz glass with a focus on objects by Marie Kirschner. Reiner also is an experienced and meticulous researcher of Loetz paper patterns, shapes and decors.