Loetz.com is a non-commercial, non-for-profit, educational website. All photos, text and other information presented on this site are for educational purposes only. This site was designed to permit multiple photo examples of each decor. Multiple views of the same decor are provided to help the collector differentiate the more than 400 Loetz decors and to become familiar with over 5,000 known shapes that were produced by Loetz.  There are currently over 5,600 photos posted on this site. The majority of the photos provided were meticulously captured by Dr. Kai Hasselbach over a period of 15 years from various selling sources such as eBay, auctions, etc. We owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Hasselbach for helping to preserve the visual history of Loetz art glass through these photos. 

Photos that have been obtained from museums with their permission are watermarked with the name of the museum on individual photos. Crediting the source of individual photos has been reserved for museum contributors. However, it is important to recognize those that support and encourage the mission of Loetz.com which is "to preserve the history of Loetz art glass and to visually educate the public about the artistry and vast design diversity of their production output from 1898 - 1940".  We have, therefore, provided a list of the names of known collectors, dealers, auction houses, etc. who have helped to provide photos to Loetz.com and wish to be recognized on the photo contributor pages here. (NOTE: Names that are marked in blue and bold have not only contributed photos but have also donated financially to Loetz.com.)

With over 5,600 photos uploaded to this site, we may have missed someone, so please let us know if you would like to be listed as a photo contributor. You can reach us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Also, if we have used a photo of yours and you would like it removed, please don't hesitate to contact us and include a copy of your photo so it can be removed immediately.  Thank you!