Below is a list of individuals who have not only provided photos for use on this site but also support and encourage the mission of which is to promote the interest and study of Loetz art glass and to preserve its history. With over 5,600 photos uploaded to this site, it is certainly possible that we have missed mentioning someone!  While we are not able to connect individual photos with each contributor, if you would like to be included in this list, please let us know which photo(s) are yours by contacting us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and sending us a copy of the photo(s) so we can acknowledge your contribution.

We would also like to give special recognition to those individuals that have helped to support and further the efforts of financially. Their contributions ensure that will remain a non-for-profit endeavor and that collectors from around the world will have free access to information on Loetz art glass.  These individuals are listed in BOLD below.

Thank you!

Photo Contributors - Individuals

Abbate, Tony

Parsons, Simon

Ravaioli, Elisabetta 

Rebscher, Adina

Rigsby, Paul

Rose, Mr. & Mrs.

Sandells, Nicole

Albanese, Ernest Jr.

Andreasen-Webb, Joan 
Scheepers, Eddy
Avery, Robert Schorcht, Volkmar
Beene, Joyce Schuligoj, Edna

Beatty, Lisa

Beutel, Jiri

Boertien, Andries 

Severn, Brian

Böhner-Schroll, Renate

Bosch, Michelle

Bracken, Mark

Bradnam, John

Brown-Grant, Angus

Sharp, Toby

Sherrer, Eve

Browndyke, Jeff

Skånberg, Dr. Tuve 


Buckholz, Jim Smith, Penny

Carey, Tom

Smith, Steve

Stevens, Michael

Caudle, Anita

Christofides, Angela 

Stoelzel, Bill

Cohn, Josh

Collins, Stephen

Croen, Fred

Dahms, Cathy

De Meester, Antony

Defelici, David

Sullivan, Dan

Suma, Chris

Duback, Dan

Eder, Michael

Taylor, Lawrence
Ellery, Tony Thevenet, Jean-Claude
Ferguson, Patti & Gene

Tomás, Rosa Maria

Van Der Hert, Marjolijn

Van der Meyden, Marcel

Verrina, Bruno

Fitzgerald, John

Vos, Peter

Warren, Adrian

Fitzsimmons,Bill & Deb Weller, Jeff

Ford, Frank

Gallina, Giovanni Croce

Wick, Jill

Williams, Norris

Gallé, Warren Wojcik, Pam
Gardiner, James Znidaric, Peter

Goldberg, Ken

Goldmann, Stephan

Goodwin, Leah


Gowen, Andrew 

Gregory, Kelly

Grove, Richard

Gummer, Kevin  
Hansen, Peter & Edith  
Hasselbach, Dr Kai  
Heuvelman, Laura  
Hewson, Jay  
Hirsch, Reyne  
Hoenig, Marty  

Howell, Gary

Hull, Valere 

Hunter, Oliver  
James, Mac  
Jelcic, Andy  
Jory, Jim  

Jondahl, Terry

Kaiser, Thomas

Karlin, Scott

Kingsley, Dave  
Klein, Zelda  

Kolhammer, Florian

Kolhammer, Nico


Koutroumanoso, Nikos

Knorr, Lothar 

Král, Aleš 


Krzemiński, Tomasz 

Langošová, Alexandra

Lewis, Steven

Linnenbach, Reiner  

Littlefield, David

Ludwig, Mark


MacFarlane, Malcolm

MacLeod, Donald

Maurissen, Rik  

Mascias, Manuel

Mazzola, Bryan

Mead, Bryan


Miller, Chris

Miller, James D

Miller, Lee  
Moir, Mike & Debbie  

Mora, Jericho

Morgan, Gavin


Moulton, Duane

Muehlheausler, Ann


Newborn, Linda

Nohe, Pam

Nguyen, Lamson

Quaresma, Doug

Olsen, Oluf 

Panico, Graham